Today, the extras are the essentials.
AgEssentials™ believes in bringing farmers the best. AgEssentials™ was created by industry experts and delivers products that are critical to creating the best environment for plants to reach their potential. Our tailor-made solutions are vetted by a team with broad experience in farming and agronomics. AgEssentials™ focuses on delivering regional excellence with products meant for specific locations. This creates a curated experience for growers, helping to combat issues and enhancing favorable conditions for their crops to thrive.
Specialized Products based on your needs

Better Feed. More Milk.
Higher ROI.
AgEssentials™ Corn Seed Treatment for silage promotes early season vigor through a more robust root system and enhanced nutrient uptake.
Higher Quality: Higher-quality silage starts with a higher-quality plant.
Increased Digestibility: Makes nutrients more accessible to livestock.
Higher Feed Value: Produces more nutritious and palatable silage.
Increased Dry Matter Yield: Directly translates to more milk production per acre.
Increased Milk Per Acre: Studies show on average of 1,000-1,800 lbs more milk per acre.*

Better Beans. More Bushels.
Higher ROI.
With AgEssentials™ Soybean Seed Treatment, you can ensure your crops get the extra protection they need to thrive, resulting in higher yield, improved quality, and increased profitability
Increased Nutrient Uptake: Live microbes that form a symbiotic relationship with the plant.
Stimulates Larger Root Mass: Helps improve bioavailability and uptake of key nutrients during plant growth.
Regulates Moisture: Provides drought protection through flowering and podfill, maximizing your return on investment.
Overall Healthier Plant: Directly relates to a high yielding soybean crop.
Increased Yield: 152 trials produced an average increase of 2.73 bushels per acre.*

Better Corn. More Bushels.
Higher ROI.
With AgEssentials™ Corn Seed Treatment, you can ensure your crops get the extra protection they need to thrive, resulting in higher yield, improved quality, and increased profitability.
Increased Nutrient Uptake: Helps plants mitigate stress throughout the growing season.
Stimulates Larger Root Mass: Allows increased nutrient uptake and regulation of moisture.
Regulates Moisture: Controls water uptake at crucial moments, like grainfill and balances moisture throughout the growing season.
Overall Healthier Plant: Directly translates to a higher yielding corn crop.
Increased Yield: 194 trials produced an average increase of 4.47 bushels per acre.*
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